Doing it right.

As an investment management company, we have a duty to act in the best long-term interests of our beneficiaries. In this fiduciary role, ESG issues are a factor in the performance of investment portfolios.

sustainability disclaimer

Sustainability at Klarphos

By integrating sustainability analysis into our investment process, we believe we can best serve our institutional investors.

That’s why all investment decisions made on behalf of our alternative investment funds are duly assessed prior to its execution against relevant and material risks.

The assessment includes consideration of sustainability risks and their potential impact on the value of an investment for any alternative investment fund we manage.

The funds currently managed are based on a fund of funds strategy. We consider sustainability in selection and evaluation of our target fund managers.

For more details, we refer to our Sustainable Risk Policy .

UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)

In 2022 we became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment .

By signing the PRI we demonstrate our commitment to responsible investment. We stand with over 3,600 financial institutions dedicated to promoting environmental and social responsibility in  building an ethical and sustainable financial system.

The Future of ESG

We strive towards the highest standards of sustainability and we seek this in our partners and funds we invest in. As ESG investment grows, we will continue to hold ourselves accountable and commit to best practices and initiatives to deliver responsible investing.